ABS Canister & Trigger Refill

You must return your empty canister before your order will ship
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Hazmat Items Will Only Ship Through UPS


  1.  Add the item to your cart and complete the purchase.
  2. Note your Invoice Number on the box and mail your empty canister and trigger to SnowBigDeal.
  3. After receiving your used canister and trigger, we will send a refilled canister and trigger to your address. 

Please note that we only accept exchanges for the Yellow Steel canister, as black and silver canisters are no longer exchangeable in the U.S.

Return Address: 40 S 300 W Mount Pleasant, UT 84647

Pricing & Fees

The refill/exchange price is $59.99 plus HazMat fees. If you exchange the canister in-store, there will be no HazMat fee. If you exchange multiple canisters simultaneously, the first canister will be charged $59.99 plus HazMat and each additional canister will be charged only $59.99. We must receive your used canister and trigger before we send your replacement, otherwise, we will charge $199 per canister. If you don't have a trigger, you will need to purchase a replacement.

  • UPC: 4250289400565
  • Manufacturer Part No: AB7
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